Expanding the World With Current Events

Talking with 7- and 8-year-olds about the news can be tricky.

By Michelle Anthony, PhD




It’s not news to you that 7- and 8-year-olds have lots of questions about the world. “Why do tornadoes happen?” “Why does Becky live in a different neighborhood?” “Why are some people homeless?” At this age, children become increasingly aware of people and places beyond their immediate surroundings. As a result, they start to pick up on world events overheard on the playground, or from the television or Internet. While you may wonder how to respond to such inquiries, there is no such thing as an “off-limits” news topic, and there are many benefits to introducing current events to young children.

Start by discussing topics that relate to your child’s interests. A dinosaur fan, for example, may be excited to hear about a paleontological dig. Talking about positive, “child-centered” stories will lead to more engaging discussions and help develop your child’s ability to listento and synthesize information. As these skills grow, she will be able to participate in conversations about any topic.

As another entry point, bring up issues that directly affect your community. Doing so will allow your child to connect stories with the people and places he already knows. Discussing local news also gives you an opportunity to lend a helping hand: You might discuss a story about pollution, for example, and then do cleanup at a local park.

When it comes to addressing tough topics, we sometimes assume children want to know more than they actually do. For example, you may be tempted to address gang violence when talking about a local shooting. But it could be that all your child needs to know is the basics: that the assailant is in custody and that the injured are receiving treatment. Let your child’s questions be the guide. 

TIP: Honor all sides. Discussing world events is a good way to share your family values and viewpoints. However, it’s also important to explain that there are different ideas out there, as well. This helps your child to understand the variety of belief systems he may encounter.

How to Explain Scary News to Kids

Photo Credit: Jose Luis Pelaez Inc./Getty Images

Books | Individual Titles | Hardcover Book
Chasing Freedom: The Life Journeys of Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony, Inspired by Historical Facts
What if Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony sat down over tea to reminisce about their extraordinary lives? What would they recall of their triumphs and struggles as they fought to achieve civil rights for African Americans and equal rights for women? And what other historical figures played parts in their stories? These questions led Coretta Scott King Award winner Nikki Grimes to create CHASING FREEDOM, an engaging work of historical fiction about two of the nineteenth century's most powerful, and inspiring, American women.

With breathtaking illustrations by Coretta Scott King Award winner Michele Wood, CHASING FREEDOM richly imagines the experiences of Tubman and Anthony, set against the backdrop of the Underground Railroad, the Civil War, and the Women's Suffrage Movement.

Additional back matter invites curious young readers to further explore this period in history--and the larger-than-life figures who lived it.
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