Create a Dream Journal

Capture your kid&s most fantastic dreams with this easy-to-make, whimsical dream journal, inspired by Sophie and the Giant from The BFG!

By Sarah Bernhardson
Nov 23, 2016
Create a Dream Journal

Nov 23, 2016
You will need:
  • 9"x12" watercolor paper
  • Precut paper poster or decal letters
  • Shaving cream
  • Flat, straight-edged object for spreading shaving cream and scraping it off
  • Baking sheet
  • Liquid watercolor paint
  • Wooden dowel for stirring
  • Plain notebook
1. Begin by creating your dream journal's cover. Arrange your letters across one sheet of watercolor paper to spell the word dream. If your letters are
not self-adhesive, secure them with small rolls of painter' s tape on the back of each letter.
2. Spray shaving cream into a shallow pan or baking sheet. Spread it evenlyinto a thick layer.
3. Drip watercolor paint or food dye on the layer of shaving cream. Using a wooden dowel or stick, swirl the paint through the shaving cream.
4. Take your watercolor paper or card stock and press it flat into the shaving cream; let sit for a minute before removing. Lay flat and
scrape excess shaving cream off your paper. Leave the page to dry completely.
5. When your watercolor paint has dried, carefully remove your paper poster letters.
6. Take your journal and spread it open, leaving the cover facing upward. Spread the glue evenly along the cover and affix the marbled sheet of paper over the glue. You may need to cut off excess paper and fold the edges to make the new cover seamless. Alternatively, use fun Washi tape to affix watercolor paper to your journal (better alternative for younger children). 
7. When the cover is completed, close your journal. Keep it on yourbedside table and use it each morning to record the wonderful dreams you had using pictures and words.
Disney's The BFG is available on Blu-ray™, Digital HD & Disney Movies Anywhere. 


Raising Kids
Arts and Crafts