Self-esteem issues can come more to the forefront during this time, as can more rigid ways of thinking. To increase your child’s sense of himself, and support creative thinking, read some of the following books together:
- The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County by Janice N. Harrington: Focus on the movement verbs. Can you and your child act these out?
- Grandfather Tang's Story by Ann Tompert and Robert Andrew Parker: Make your own tangrams and see how many different ways you can make some of the items in the book.
- Ish by Peter H. Reynolds So many kids this age feel like Ramon. Engage your child in a conversation about when he has felt that way, and brainstorm some ways to problem solve the next time something like this happens. Then invite your child to find his “ish.”
- The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Gary Rubinstein and Mark Petty: Let Beatrice help your child realize that how you react to mistakes is a choice; embarrassment is not a requirement.
- Never Take a Shark to the Dentist or Animals Should Definitely NOT Wear Clothing by Judi Barrett. Read this to your child without showing the pictures. Ask him to use what he knows about the animal and the information you read to come up with an image of what he thinks the animal will look like. Added bonus: Development of inference skills!
- Courage by Bernard Weber: Looks at everyday examples of bravery. Engage your child: What has he done today that showed courage? Enhances not only his sense of heroism, but also his creative thinking as well!
- Beautiful Oops by Barney Sulzberger: Wonderful book that turns accidents into new discoveries!