Bird Watching

The warm weather is great for bird watching. Make a bird feeder with your child to attract some feathered friends to your yard.



Bird Watching

What you need:

  • Empty half-gallon milk or juice carton 
  • Scissors (adult and child) 
  • Birdseed 
  • String 
  • Paper towels 
  • Tape 

 What to do:

  1. Wash out and dry the carton. Create flaps on the sides of the carton by drawing a rectangle on each side and cutting out three sides of each rectangle, leaving the top intact.
  2. Ask your child to help you fill the carton with birdseed and seal the top of the carton with tape. Then punch a hole in the top of the carton and run string through the hole and open the flaps out. Hang the carton outside.
  3. Record the kinds of birds that come to eat and the different times of day that they feed. 
Problem Solving
Science & Nature Activities
Following Directions
Critical Thinking
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Arts and Crafts