Craft a Fall Leaf Bouquet With Your Kids

Add some seasonal spice to your family's home with this simple, kid-friendly autumn activity.

By Jessica Tom



Craft a Fall Leaf Bouquet With Your Kids

Skip cut flowers during the fall in favor of crafting this autumnal bouquet with your child. You'll use fallen leaves, acorns, and craft materials to assemble it. (Plus, if your little one is a big fan of the fall season and just can't get enough of the foliage, check out these fun fall books for kids!)

What You Need

  • Egg carton
  • Dried leaves
  • Green chenille stems
  • Small pom-poms
  • Acorn caps
  • Tacky glue

What to Do

1. Together with your child, gather brightly colored leaves that have already fallen. Make sure that they are in good shape and are not too brittle.

2. Then, look for acorn caps. You'll only need the tops, so leave the bottom nut part for the squirrels.

3. Parents only: Cut the egg carton into individual cups. Poke a hole into the bottom of each cup.

4. Tie a knot at the end of a chenille stem and insert into each cup. This will be the flower's stem.

5. To create the petals, use tacky glue to attach the leaves onto the outside of the egg carton cup. For a realistic flower, use leaves from the same type of tree. For a more eccentric flower, use leaves of different colors and shapes.

6. Glue the pom-pom inside the cup. Then, glue the acorn cap onto the pom-pom.

7. Repeat to make a complete bouquet.

Books | Individual Titles | Paperback Book
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves!

There was an old lady who swallowed some leaves.

I don't know why she swallowed those leaves.

Perhaps she'll sneeze!

The Old Lady is back and this time she's swallowing some leaves, clothes, a pumpkin, and a rope! Welcome the Fall season with funny illustrations and a spin on a classic rhyme!

Also in the There Was an Old Lady series:

  • There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books!

  • There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Ghost!

  • There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat!

  • and more!

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Pre-K - K
Outdoor Activities
Age 8
Age 7
Age 6
Arts and Creativity
Outdoor Activities and Recreation
Arts and Crafts