Family Riddles

My favorite color is blue like sky which relative am I?




What you need:

  • paper 
  • pen/pencil 
  • felt tip pens (optional)

What to do:

  1. Invite your child to ask you five questions about yourself. 
  2. Challenge her to turn the answers into a short riddle or poem about you. She may even want to see if she can make her verses rhyme. 
  3. If interested, your child can use felt tip pens to illustrate her written work. 
  4. Can she think of riddles for other family members, such as siblings, cousins, or grandparents? Encourage her to gather the riddles into a family anthology and to challenge relatives to solve them.
Writing Activities
Age 10
Age 9
Age 8
Creative Writing
Writing Prompts
Family Members
Communication and Language Development
Creativity and Imagination