Make Paper Lantern Animals

In four simple steps, you'll have fun and adorable animal lanterns to display!

By Amy Mascott
Aug 29, 2016



Make Paper Lantern Animals

Aug 29, 2016

Do you have animal-loving children? Do your kids beg you for trips to the zoo or drool over every two-or four-legged creature at the pet store? 

If you do have animals lovers under your roof, your crew will adore this new craft book from KLUTZ: Make Paper Lantern Animals.

When our friends at Klutz shared Make Paper Lantern Animals with us, my kids were in heaven. Together with their pals, they read, cut, and built their very own animal lanterns to display!

In a few simple steps, each child had his or her very own paper lantern animals to hang at home.  Here’s how:

  1. Read: Like all of the Klutz publications, Make Paper Lantern Animals is very easy to read and understand. Instructions are clear and are supported by photos and illustrations.
  2. Cut: After reading, crafters cut out stencil shapes that correspond to the animal lantern they want to make.
  3. Build: Using the book — and their own creativity — as a guide, crafters can then build their animal lantern with a little touch of glue.
  4. Display: Under a shelf, on a bed frame, in a window, or on a dresser, these sweet paper lantern animals can be displayed just about anywhere!

Not only were the kids busy crafting when they created these fun animal lanterns, but they were reading, following steps, and using their creativity. If you ask this mom and educator, it’s a total win-win for all!!

Take a look at some of the kids’ finished Make Paper Lantern Animals masterpieces:

FYI: Amy Mascott was given the Make Paper Lantern Animals book to read and try with her children. It was a hit. All opinions belong solely to Amy Mascott and are influenced only by her experience as a parent and educator and her fashion-forward tweens and their friends.


Check out bloggers Amy Mascott and Allie McDonald's book, Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Lifelong Love for Reading. Get expert advice and learn new strategies for your young readers.

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