Sew Mini Treats Are So Cute

No need for a fully stocked craft cabinet to get your child started sewing!

By Allison McDonald
Jun 30, 2016



Sew Mini Treats Are So Cute

Jun 30, 2016

I was so excited to get my hands on this new Klutz kit, but not as excited as my daughter who has recently discovered sewing and has had a love of all things plushie for, well forever.

The kit is amazing because it really does have everything you need other than a marker and scissors. You don’t have to have a well stocked craft cabinet to get your crafty self going with this kit.

My small fry decided to make her own small fry and start with the fried egg plushie. She is a little younger than the suggested age so we decided to work on it together.

We traced the template and cut the felt out.

Added the face on the yolk.

Stitched the egg white.

Stuffed it and did a little more stitching.

It was that simple. I don’t think we’d use the marker to trace it next time, but other than that, this very first plushie was a huge success! The only downside is that the stuffing is vacuum packed and once you open it there is NO way it’s all going back into the box.

You can see all the fun Klutz kits here! Share your experiences crafting with your kids on the Scholastic Facebook page.


Check out bloggers Amy Mascott and Allie McDonald's book, Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Lifelong Love for Reading. Get expert advice and learn new strategies for your young readers.

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