10+ Family Read-Alouds That Explore Spring

These captivating stories will blossom the love of reading for your growing reader.

Mar 07, 2025



10+ Family Read-Alouds That Explore Spring

Mar 07, 2025

Ring in spring with fun family read-alouds that explore a variety of topics like life cycles and baby animals! These stunning titles will be sure to captivate new and growing readers alike. 

By reading about the season of growth and renewal together, you’ll spark a natural curiosity in your child for the changes they witness in their own backyard this time of year. Dive into colorful reads that explore the beauty of blossoming flowers, the joy of sweet baby bunnies, and the cyclical nature of the seasons as cold days make way for light rain and sunshine.

Even if your child is old enough to read on their own, family read-aloud time enhances the development of language and literacy skills — all while encouraging your children to read more often, per the Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report.

Try Make Way for Butterfly, a playful picture book about a butterfly who learns to be confident, while also illuminating the importance of pollinators to our ecosystem. This story has both STEM and social-emotional themes and will spark conversations with your child. Use this book as an opportunity to help build confidence and self-esteem in your child. 

There is also the hilarous, rhythmic book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog! that is sure to keep them engaged and excited during storytime with every turn of the page. 

Shop these remarkable books about spring now! You can find all books and activities at The Scholastic Store

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Seasonal Themes
Age 8
Age 7
Age 6
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Read Aloud