How to Craft Cool String Art With Kids

With this simple DIY art project, your child can utilize STEAM skills to create beautiful patterns, while exploring geometry.

May 20, 2019



How to Craft Cool String Art With Kids

May 20, 2019

Transform art into geometry by using string and push pins to create colorful shapes. Young learners can practice making triangles and squares, while older kids will have a blast making beautiful parabolic curves and other designs.

What You’ll Need

  • Cork, foam core board, or wood  
  • Push pins, toothpicks that have been cut in half, or nails
  • Hammer (optional: for use with nails and wood)
  • Colorful string, yarn, embroidery thread or pipe cleaners
  • School glue or hot glue (optional)

Safety Tips and Hints  

Younger children should be supervised around push pins, toothpicks, and nails, which have sharp points and are choking hazards.

Children must be supervised around hot glue and glue guns.

What to Do

Step 1: Show your young artist how to push pins or toothpicks into cork or foam core, so that they stand straight up.

Step 2: Let your child draw some shapes on a piece of paper and ask her to mark the corners. Explain that the pins used on the cork will be the corners of the shapes, and that string will make the lines.

Step 3: Ask your crafter to create a geometric shape, like a triangle, by putting pins in the cork or foam and wrapping string or a pipe cleaner around the pins. Older kids can use a ruler to measure, positioning points the same distance apart for more complicated designs, like parabolic curves. (See “The STEAM Behind the Fun” section below for directions.)
Step 4: Your child can also make repeating patterns by wrapping string around one pin and then connecting it to other pins.
Step 5: Ask your child to create another shape or a design.

Step 6: After completing a design, your child can secure the string with glue, or take it apart and make a new design.

Creative Enrichment  

Make a parabolic curve using string art. (See “The STEAM Behind the Fun” section below.)


Use wood and nails to build a sturdier frame, or engineer a frame that allows you to make 3-dimensional geometric designs from string.

The STEAM Behind the Fun

Many shapes, like triangles, squares and rectangles can be created using straight lines, like the ones you make when you stretch a string from one point to another. If you space pins evenly around a square, you can use them to make a grid from string.


You can also make a curve using straight lines! Lots of straight lines positioned in a certain way create a parabolic curve. This is the same type of curve a thrown ball makes, when gravity pulls it back down.

To make a parabolic curve from string, position the pins or nails on perpendicular axes at equal distances apart (in the shape of a plus sign.) Connect a string from the X axis (horizonal axis) pin closest to where the axes meet, to a pin on the Y axis (vertical axis) that is farthest from the intersection. Connect the pin second closest to the first one (on the X axis) to the pin second farthest away on the Y-axis and repeat the pattern several times to create a parabolic curve.  


This project and more like it are featured in Liz’s new book STEAM Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Hands-On Projects Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (Quarry Books, 2018).

© Quarry Books, 2018/ STEAM Lab for Kids; Photo credit: © Quarry Books

Toys and Games | Arts and Crafts | Art and Craft Kit
Klutz: String Art
From cute critters to fashionable flowers to trendy typography, kids can make everything in the book after learning just three simple methods. In addition to our step-by-step instructions, this modern take on one of today's hottest tween crafting sensations comes complete with everything string artists need, including a custom Klutz-only tool that makes it easy for young fingers to space and place each pin with... pinpoint accuracy. The pin-pusher also makes sure that each pin is exactly the same height every time, removing the biggest obstacle to perfect results.

Our book has 20+ easy-to-create subjects and clever techniques that make a simple process magical, as kids wrap their string from pin to pin and watch their masterpieces emerge.

With enough materials to complete six full projects and plenty of ideas to personalize them, kids will be making amazing art in no time. So let's get straight to the point: It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string.
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