Summer Fun Family Math Games

Your kids will love to play these games with you all summer long.

By Jennifer Hogan




The summer is a very tricky time to get kids excited or wanting to do math or any work for that matter!  I always try to think of ways to make it more exciting and fun to keep my own children's math skills reinforced over the summer.  One of our favorite summertime activities is just playing lots of different card and board games.  No matter what game we are playing, I always make it a competition where we keep score and the kids have to keep track of their own score whether with tally marks or numerical totals.

Below are some of our family favorite summertime games that we play on the deck, on the beach, in the car, at restaurants…anywhere we can!  But we always keep score and almost all of these games have some sort of mathematical concept to them.  Some are very traditional games that you may have played as a child yourself or some may be new to you (you can Google any game to find details/rules).  Either way, consider choosing 5 new games to play as a family on a daily or weekly basis.  You will find your children involved with math in ways you never thought possible!  

Gin Rummy
Spite and Malice
Right, Left, Center
Crazy 8's
Zingo – number version
Can't Stop
Old Maid
Phase 10

What is your favorite summertime game that sneaks in math learning? Share your suggestions on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page!

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Age 13
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Card Games
Board Games