Unleash Your Inner Designer With "My Fashion Portfolio"

For your fashion-forward tweens, a craft book that gets them reading and designing.

By Amy Mascott
Jul 11, 2016



Unleash Your Inner Designer With "My Fashion Portfolio"

Jul 11, 2016

Many of the tweens I know are totally into clothes right now. They’ve got big ideas and crazy-creative ways to wear clothes, jewelry, and accessories.

They love heading to the mall, paging through fashion magazines, trying on new outfits, and shopping, shopping, shopping.

So when our friends at Klutz shared one of their new publications with us, My Fashion Portfolio, I knew it would score big with my girls and their pals.

My Fashion Portfolio combines reading and creativity along with a major splash of style.

Without touching a sewing machine, without threading a single needle, and without lifting a writing utensil, your kids can create dozens and dozens of looks by simply arranging patterned and textured papers and under cutout illustrations.

And though fashion looks can easily be created by just one person, this book also works well with two users: one person arranging papers on the right side of the book while the other creates a look on the left side. Sharing the final fashion look is easy—users simply place the cutout illustration on top of the papers, and friends can share and compare looks!

Take a look at some of the girls’ finished My Fashion Portfolio masterpieces, and then hear it from the girls themselves in this video.

What are your favorite art sets for kids?  Share your thoughts with us on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page, or find me on Twitter @teachmama, and let’s continue the conversation!

FYI: Amy Mascott was given the My Fashion Portfolio book to read and try with her children. It was a hit. All opinions belong solely to Amy Mascott and are influenced only by her experience as a parent and educator and by her fashion-forward tweens and their friends. 


Check out bloggers Amy Mascott and Allie McDonald's book, Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Lifelong Love for Reading. Get expert advice and learn new strategies for your young readers.

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