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CJ's Journal
Top 5 Favorite Foods

5. Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows (Does this count as food?)
4. Pizza with Extra Sauce
3. Fresh Pineapple (But not on pizza! My dad always tries to order his this way.)
2. Grandma’s Macaroni and Cheese
1. Chocolate Chip Cookies (I know I have two chocolate things on here, but I can’t help it!)
Journal Entry

Okay, I’m going completely mental. I just found out that Stacey, who is in my class, is having this super huge birthday party next Saturday and I’m not invited. Or if I am, I didn’t get an invitation—yet. Kate thinks there’s still time. She said it’s probably just stuck in the mail, but I asked my mom and I’ve been checking every day and still, nothing! Of course Lesa, Kate, and Jenni are all going. So as you can imagine, I’ve been kind of upset all week. But things got a little better yesterday because (listen to how nice this is) Kate, Jenni, and Lesa made this pact and said they absolutely refuse to go without me. Isn’t that so sweet? Of course I told them that they should go ahead and enjoy the party. But it completely made me appreciate what great friends they are!

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