Here's how to do it at home with your child:
Plant fast growing seeds such as beans or zinnias in a paper
cup. Choose a sunny window to place the plant and water lightly.
your child what he thinks his little seeds need to grow. He
may already know that plants need sunlight and just the right
amount of water.
Make comparisons to the important nutrients that plants need
and the nutrients that your child needs to grow.
a popsicle stick as a device to measure the growth of the
Imagine that the lines you are making on the growth "stick"
are just like the marks you might make to measure your child's
your homemade "measuring stick" in the cup and use
a pencil to make a line to show the height of the seedling.
Use the stick every few days, marking new lines up the stick
to show the growth process. Will the plant grow taller than
your stick? Wait and see!
Eventually the plant will grow too big for a paper cup and
can be transplanted outdoors. How big will it grow? Keep measuring!
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