Studies have shown that cold cereal breakfast eaters:
Usually weigh less than breakfast skippers or those who eat
something other than cereal for breakfast
Have lower fat intakes
Have better nutrient intakes
In addition, eating cold cereal for breakfast* will provide
benefits like:
More energy
Better concentration
Improved physical endurance
Be sure to include cereal as an important
part of your child's breakfast.
*Compared to non-breakfast eaters
Reference: Annals of Nutr. Metabolism 2002:46(S1):21, Perspectives
in Appl Nutri 1996:3:204, Amer J Clin Nutr 1995:67:743S, J
Adoles Health 2000:27:314, S African Med J 1997:87 (S1):93.
J Amer Diet Assoc 2003: 103 (12):1613.
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