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Jack Russell: Dog Detective #7:
The Buried Biscuits

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

There’s a smell of unspecial biscuits wafting over Doggeroo, and Jack knows something strange is going on. Which dogs buried these biscuits? And what do those two sneaky boys have to do with it? Evidence is inconclusive—after all, it’s hard to get an honest answer from a dog when biscuits are involved. Then the biscuits make some dogs sick, and the dogs of Doggeroo are all put under house arrest! Jack’s going to have to escape to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Available in Lucky Book Club December 2007
Jack Russell: Dog Detective #6:
The Sausage Situation

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

Sausages! When a shipment of sausages arrives at Auntie Tidge’s house, Foxy can’t believe his luck. But then the sausages are stolen…only to turn up again at Doggeroo Dog and Sausage Day. Are the sausages safe there? Foxy is sure they will be stolen again—which means Jack Russell has a new case on his paws. But how can Jack turn up a suspect for a crime that hasn’t even been committed yet?
Available in Lucky Book Club October 2007
Jack Russell: Dog Detective #5:
The Lying Postman

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

A new postman accuses Foxy of biting and calls Jack a mongrel—obviously he needs to learn a thing or two. Can Jack set him straight? And what exactly does Jack find caught on the fence? Im-pawsible!
Jack Russell: Dog Detective #4:
The Awful Pawful

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

What terrier-ible thing has happened to the dogs of Doggeroo? They’re missing! Then Jack finds them hiding under beds. But why? Can Jack sniff out the solution?
Jack Russell: Dog Detective #3:
The Mugged Pug

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

When Shuffle’s collar is taken and then Red’s gets taken, too, Jack knows he’s got a new case on his paws. Who is stealing the pugs’ collars? Good thing Jack’s got a nose for pug-muggers!
Jack Russell: Dog Detective #2:
The Phantom Mudder

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

What kind of a dog show has contestants covered in mud? Something very strange is going on because the dirty victims have no idea how it keeps happening, no matter how many shampoos they receive. Jack's got to solve this one before his keen sniffing ability, so confused by all the lather, goes down the drain!
Jack Russell: Dog Detective #1:
Dog Den Mystery

by Darrel & Sally Odgers

80 pages

Weird things keep disappearing from Jack Russell's new backyard in Doggeroo: first an old boot, then his friend Red's ball, and finally Jack's own squeaky bone. Clearly, there's a thief at work.

Looks like a job for a dog detective!