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Talk Like Jack!
Learn to talk like Jack! Here’s a list of words that will come in handy as you help Jack solve his cases:

Ace: Great, fine, the very best

Cat-apult: A very fast movement made by a cat when a terrier is barking at it.

Doggyguard: A bodyguard who is a dog.

Dognap: The same as kidnap, only concerns a dog instead of a kid.

Foxed: Fooled by a fox terrier.

Greet: To rise up on hind legs and clutch a person with paws while slurping them on the face.

In-terrier-gation: Official questioning—done by a terrier.

Jack-attack: Growling and biting and worrying at trouser legs. Very loud,

but quite harmless.

Jack-pack: A noble pack of dogs united under a strong leader.

Jaw-rensic testing: Testing done by chewing.

Last paw: Like the last straw, but happening to dogs.

Nose map: A way of storing information with the nose.

Muddied: Covered or splattered with mud.

Pan-dog-monium: A lot of noise that involves dogs.

Paw-rensic testing: Testing done by squashing suspect evidence with the paw.

Paw-ssessive: The way some dogs get when someone tries to take away their belongings.

Paw thing: Up on hind legs, paws held together as if praying. Means happy excitement.

Pupetrators: Perpetrators (another word for criminals) who happen to be pups or dogs.

Skulldoggery: Bad things concerning dogs.

Smellbank: A dog’s collection of remembered smells.

Squeaker bone: Item for exercising teeth. Not to be confused with a toy.

Steak-out: A place where detectives can watch suspects and eat at the same time.

Successful conclusion: An ending where everything turns out right. Stolen goods are returned to their owners. A thief is reformed. The detective is proud of his work.

Print! Bad Words!
Super-sniffer: Jack’s nose in super-tracking mode.

Terrier-tory: A territory owned by a terrier.

Terrier-ize: Frighten.

Upsetter: Bother and upset a setter.