In high school, I took Spanish classes for three years and I'm surprised by how many words I can still recognize. My goal is for my kids to know a lot more Spanish than I did before they get to high school, so I've been working with my boys to help them grasp foundational vocabulary and speak some Spanish while they're young.
Dual language books are a wonderful tool for multilingual homes and families raising children to speak more than one language. In a study about raising bilingual kids, parents stated that speaking one or more language gives their child an advantage with career opportunities and enhances the child's connection to their culture. Studies also suggest that multilingual students tend to be better problem-solvers and have greater focus. All the more reason to use bilingual books at home!
We've long enjoyed reading the Mr. Panda books by Steve Antony in English, and since they were released in a dual language format, my kids and I are embracing them again on a new level. Use these books to teach your kids new Spanish vocabulary — or to reinforce the Spanish dialogue your family already uses at home — for double the reading fun.
Meet the Big Guy
If you haven't met Mr. Panda, let me introduce you. Your young child will be delighted to revisit Mr. Panda in each picture book story while building their English and Spanish language skills.
Mr. Panda is making a big treat in I'll Wait, Mr. Panda/Yo Voy a Esperar, Sr. Panda (Bilingual), but many of the other animals have a problem showing patience while waiting to see what the big creation is.
In Thank You, Mr. Panda/ Gracias, Sr. Panda (Bilingual), Mr. Panda tries to give his animal friends gifts but they are very critical of each of his presents. It's not until the end that any of the recipients express thanks for Mr. Panda's thoughtful gesture.
Lastly, and more recently, we're reacquainted with Mr. Panda in Good Night Mr. Panda/Buenas Noches, Sr. Panda (Bilingual). In this bedtime book, Mr. Panda reminds each animal to complete a going-to-bed task. Once again, the animals don't want to listen to his good advice. Well, except for Lemur, who is always making those good choices!
3 Tips to Boost Learning — and Fun —While Reading Bilingual Books With Your Kids
1. Read each page in both languages before moving to the next page. On repeat readings, you can read entirely in one language or the other. If your child is an independent reader, she can read in one language and you in the other.